Органические проводники и сверхпроводники. Молекуляные магнитные проводники. Мономолекулярные магниты (молекулы- магниты)

2008 г., 4 - 23 сентября.

1. Aonuma Shuji et al. Chemical pressure effect by selective deuteration in molecular-based conductor, (DMe-DCNQI)2Cu. -Tokyo, 1994, 26 p.
2. Fukuyama H., Seo H. Interplay between lattice structure and electronic properties in organic conductors. -Tokyo, 2000, 5 p.
3. High-field magnetotransport and the fermiology in the novel quasi-two-dimensional organic conductor (BERT-TTF)2KHg (SCN)4/Toshihito O. Et al. -Tokyo, 1989, 19 p.(N 2211).
4. High-field magnetotransport in an organic conductor (BEDT-TTF)2,KHg(SCN)4/Toshihito O. Et al. -Tokyo, 1989, 11 p. (N 2212).
5. Hotta C., Fukuyama H. Classification of the ground states of two-dimensional quarter-field organic conductors with strong dimerization. -Tokyo, 2000, 4p.
6. Metal-organic and organic molecular magnets/A Discussion organized Day P. a. Underhill A.E. -London, 1999, p.2849-3184.
7. Tajima H. Et al. Molecular conductors with two-chain orbitals/by Tajima H., Shiraishi J., Kohmoto M. -Tokyo, 1997, 12 p.
8. Wosnitza J. Fermi surfaces of low-dimensional organic metals and superconductors. -Berlin, 1996, VI, 169 p.

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2. Chemical Reviews. -2004.-Vol.104, N 11.
3. European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry. -2007.-N 30, p.4727-4735.
4. Inorganic Chemistry. -2007.-Vol.46,N 19, p.7756-7766;
5. Inorganic Chemistry. -2007.-Vol.46, N 21, p.8472-8474;
6. Inorganic Chemistry. -2007.-Vol.46,N 23, p.9661-9671.
7. Journal of the American Chemical Society. -2007.-Vol.129, N 35, p.10837-10846;
8. Journal of the American Chemical Society. -2007.-Vol.129, N 41, p.12376-12377;
9. Journal of the American Chemical Society. -2007.-Vol.129, N 42, p.12688-12689.
10. Journal of Chemical Physics. -2007.-Vol.127, N 4, Art.045103;
11. Journal of Chemical Physics. -2007.-Vol.127, N 15, Art.154706;
12. Journal of Chemical Physics. -2007.-Vol.127, N 19, Art.194710.
13. Journal of Physics. Condensed Matter. -2007.-Vol.19, N 40, Art.406210, 406214, 406219.
14. Nature. -2007.-Vol.449, N 7162, p.584-587.
15. Physica. A. -2007.-Vol.385, N 1, p.148-160.
16. Physica. B. -2007.-Vol.398, N 1, p.40-45.
17. Physica. C. -2007.-Vol.460-462, pt.1, p.125-128; 129-132; 639-640; 645-646;
18. Physica. C. -2007.-Vol.460-462, pt.2, p.1489-1490.
19. Physical Review. B. -2007.-Vol.76, N 1, Art. 014506;
20. Physical Review. B. -2007.-Vol.76, N 5, Art. 052510;
21. Physical Review. B. -2007.-Vol.76, N 8, Art. 085103;
22. Physical Review. B. -2007.-Vol.76, N 9, Art. 094301;
23. Physical Review. B. -2007.-Vol.76, N 10, Art. 104523;
24. Physical Review. B. -2007.-Vol.76, N 11, Art. 115117.
25. Physical Review Letters. -2007.-Vol.99, N 2, Art. 027004;
26. Physical Review Letters. -2007.-Vol.99, N 3, Art. 037003;
27. Physical Review Letters. -2007.-Vol.99, N 5, Art. 057001;
28. Physical Review Letters. -2007.-Vol.99, N 12, Art. 126404;
29. Physical Review Letters. -2007.-Vol.99, N 18, Art.187002.
30. Physics Letters. A. -2007.-Vol.366, N 4-5, p.513-515.
31. Synthetic Metals. -2001.-Vol.122, N 3, Spec.iss.