Нелинейные волны и слабая турбулентность
2008 г., 5 - 12 ноября в БНЦ, 13 - 25 ноября в ИФТТ
1. Белоцерковский О.М. Турбулентность: Новые подходы. -М., 2002.
2. Белоцерковский О.М. Численный эксперимент в турбулентности: от порядка к хаосу. -М., 1997.
3. Воляк К.И. Нелинейные волны в океане: Избр. Тр. -М., 2002.
4. Ильичев А.Т. Уединенные волны в моделях гидромеханики. -М., 2003.
5. Поздынин В.Д. Мелкомасштабная турбулентность в океане. -М., 2002.
6. Advances in turbulence. 5th..., Siena, Italy, 5-8 July 1994/Ed. by Benzi R. -Cop.1995.
7. Lagrangian analysis and prediction of coastal and ocean dynamics/ Ed/ by Griffa Annaliza (et al.). -Cambridge, 2007.
8. L'vov V.S. Wave turbulence under parametric excitation: Applications to magnets. -Berlin etc., 1994.
9. Mathematical problems in the theory of water waves/A Workshop on the problems in the theory of nonlinear hydodynamic waves, May 15-19, 1995, Luminy, France; Dias F. et al. ed. -Providence (R.I.), 1996.
10. Mei Chiang C. Et al. Theory and Applications of ocean surface waves. Pt.2: Nonlinear aspects. -New Jersey etc., 2005.
11. Nonlinear wave equations / A conf. In honor of Walter A.Strauss on the occasion of his sixtieth birthday, May 2-3, 1998, Brown Univ.; Guo Yan, ed. -Providence (R.I.), 2000.
12. Prediction of turbulent flows / Ed. by Hewitt Geoffrey Frederick a. Vassilicos J.C. -Cambridge, 2005.
13. Recent mathematical methods in nonlinear wave propagation: Lectures given at the 1st Sess of the Centro intern.mat.estivo (C.I.M.E.), held in Montecatini Terme, Italy, May 23-31, 1994 / Bolliat G. Et al. -Berlin etc., 1996.
14. Soloviev A. The near-surface layer of the ocean: Structure, dynamics and applications / By Soloviev A., Lukas R. -Dordrecht, 2006.
15. Symposium on geometry and statistics of turbulence (1999; Hayama). IUTAM Symposium...Proc..., Nov. 1-5, 1999 / Ed. by Kambe T. et al. -Dordrecht etc., 2001.
16. Wackers J. Accurate and efficient computation of steady water flow with surface waves and turbulence. -Amsterdam, 2007.
1. Applied Mathematics and Computation. -2007.-Vol.187, N 2, p.1131-1142; Vol.189, N 1, p.970-979.
2. Applied Physics. B. -2007.-Vol.89, N 2-3, p.323-328.
3. Deep-Sea Research. -2005.-Vol.52, N 9-10.
4. Journal of Applied Mechanics. -2006.-Vol.73, N 3.
5. Journal of Applied Physics. -2007.-Vol.102, N 8, art.083305.
6. Journal of Chemical Physics. -2007.-Vol.127, N 19, art.194304.
7. Journal of Coastal Research. -2007.-Vol.23, N 1, 3, 6.
8. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics. -2007.-Vol.204, N 2, sp.iss.
9. Journal of Fluid Mechanics. -2007.-Vol.591, p.339-378.
10. Journal of Geophysical Research. A. -2007.-Vol.112, N 12.
11. Journal of Geophysical Research. B. -2007.-Vol.112, N 12.
12. Journal of Geophysical Research. C. -2007.-Vol.112, N 10, art.10001; N 12.
13. Nonlinear Analysis. -2007.-Vol.67, N 11, 12.
14. Physical Review Letters. -2007.-Vol.99, N 16, art.164501.
15. Physics of Fluids. -2007.-Vol.19, N 8, 9, 12.
16. Physics Reports. -2000, Vol.331, N 4; 2002, Vol.361, N 1; 2005, Vol.414, N 2-3.