Полифункциональные материалы. Фотомагнитные материалы

2008 г., 15-31 декабря.

1. Кравченко А.Ф. Магнитная электроника. -Новосибирск, 2002.-398 p.
2. Magnetism. Vol.2: Materials and applications. -Printing.-2005.-XXIV, 517 p.
3. Metal-organic and organic molecular magnets / A discussion organized and ed. by Day P. and Underhill A.E. -London, 1999.-P.2849-3184. (Philos.trans. Ser.A. Math., Phys. and Engineering Sciences, Vol.357, N 1762).
4. Observation of new magnetic phases in Ce2Fe17 under high pressure and high magnetic fields / By Koyama K., Goto T., Fujii H. et al. -Tokyo, 1998.-5 p.
5. Ultrathin magnetic structures. 2: Measurement techniques and novel magnetic properties. -Cop. 1994.-XVI, 350 p.
6. Understanding and utilizing colossal magnetoresistance materials / A discussion organized and ed. by Blamire M. et al. -London, 1998.-P.1469-1712.
7. Zach R. Magnetic properties and magnetoelastic phase transitions of MnFeP1-xAsx(0.15< x<0.66) and MnRhP1-xAsx isostructural series of solid solutions. -Krakow, 1997.-158 c.

1. Applied Optics. -2007.-Vol.46, N 22.-P.5404-5407.
2. Applied Physics Letters. -2008.-Vol.93, N 5, Art.053305.
3. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. -2008.-Vol.72, N 15, p.3587-3602.
4. Japanese Journal of Applied Physics. Pt.1. -2006.-Vol.45, N 4B, p.3750-3753.
5. Journal of Alloys and Compounds.-2007.-Vol.443, N 1-2, p.53-60.
6. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. -2008.-Vol.450, N 1-2, p.532-539.
7. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. -2008.-Vol.460, N 1-2, p.108-114.
8. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. -2008.-Vol.464, N 1-2, p.58-66; p.361-369.
9. Journal of Applied Physics. -2008.-Vol.103, N 10, Art.104303.
10. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter. -2003.-Vol.15, N 15.
11. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter. 2004.-Vol.16, N 48.
12. Journal of Physics. D: Applied Physics. -2007.-Vol.40, N 5.
13. Journal of Solid State Chemistry. -2007.-Vol.180, N 4, p.1504-1511.
14. Journal of Solid State Chemistry. -2007.-Vol.180, N 5, p.1636-1647.
15. Journal of Solid State Chemistry. -2008.-Vol.181, N 5, p.1213-1219.
16. Physica. B. -2007.-Vol.389, N 1, p.67-72.
17. Physica. E. -2004.-Vol.24, N 1-2.
18. Physics Status Solidi. A. -2001.-Vol.185, N 1.
19. Physics Letters. A. -2007.-Vol.366, N 1-2, p.134-136.
20. Physics Letters. A. -2008.-Vol.372, N 35, p.5716-5721.
21. Physics Reports. -2008.-Vol.467, N 1-3.
22. Proceedings of the IEEE. -2003.-Vol.91, N 5. Sp. Iss.
23. Review of Scientific Instruments. -2008.-Vol.79, N 5, Art.056103.
24. Solid State Communications. -2007.-Vol.142, N 3, p.132-136.
25. Synthetic Metals. -2001.-Vol.122, N 3.