Фуллерены и нанотрубки
4-19 июня 2009 г - в Центральной библиотеке НЦЧ РАН22 июня - 7 июля 2009 г - в библиотеке ИПТМ
1. Раков Э.Г. Нанотрубки и фуллерены : Учебное пособие. - М.: Физматкнига : Логос, 2006.- 374 с.
2. Шпак А.П. Кластерные и наноструктурные материалы. Т. 1. - 2001. - 587 с.
3. Шпак А.П. Кластерные и наноструктурные материалы. Т. 2. - 2002. - 539 с.
4. Advances in metal and semiconductor. Vol.5: Metal ion salvation and metal-ligand interactions. - 2001.- XII, 400c.
5. Carbon nanotubes: Synthesis, structure, properties, applications / Dresselhaus Mildred S. et al. (eds.). -Berliv etc.: Springer, Cop, 2001.-XV, 447 c.
6. Cluster dynamics / Organising comm. prof. Hutson J.M. (chairman) et al. - London: Faraday div., Roy.soc.of chemistry, 2001. - 514 c.
7. Fullerenes: Chemistry, physics and technology / Ed. by Kadish Karl M., Ruoff Rodney S. - New York etc.: Wiley, 2000. - IX, 968 c.
8. Gebhardt Christoph. Charge-separation in cluster-surface-collisions. - Garching: Max-Planck-Inst. Fuer Quantenoptic, 2001. - VI, 158 c.
9. Koper Andrzej. Fulereny: Wybrane modele skorelowanych elektronow. - Poznan: Wydaw. nauk. Uniw im. Adama Mickiewicza, 2003. - 203 c.
10. Metal cluster / Ed. by Ekardt Walter. - Chichester (W.Sx.) etc.: Wiley, 1999. - XII, 286 c.
11. Nanonetwork materials: Fullerenes, nanotubes, related systems / Intern. symp. on nanonetwork materials, Kamakura, Japan, 15-18 Jan. 2001; Ed. Saito Susumu et al. - Melville. (N.Y.): Amer. inst. of physics, 2001. - XIX, 556 c.
12. Physics and chemistry of cluster: Proc. of Nobel symp. 117, Visby, Sweden, 27 June-2 July 2000 / Ed. Campbell Eleanor E.B., Larsson Mats. - Singapore etc.: World sci.. Cop. 2001. - XII, 326 c.
13. Polyoxometalate chemistry from topology via self-assembly to applications / Ed. by Pope Michael T. and Mueller Achim. - Dordrecht etc.: Kluwer acad. publ., Cop. 2001. - VII, 427 c.
1. Biophysical Journal. -2008.-Vol.94, N 3.-P.958-976.
2. Biophysical Journal. -2008.-Vol.94, N 7 -P.2546-2557.
3. Computer Physics Communications. -2002.-Vol.145, N 1. th. iss.
4. Journal of Allous and Compounds. -2008.-Vol.449, N 1-2.-P.242-245.
5. Journal of Allous and Compounds. -2008.-Vol.455, N 1-2.-P.5-9.
6. Journal of Allous and Compounds. -2008.-Vol.455, N 1-2 -P.137-141.
7. Journal of Allous and Compounds. -2008.-Vol.456, N 1-2.-P.290-296.
8. Journal of Allous and Compounds. -2008.-Vol.458, N 1-2.-P.130-133.
9. Journal of Allous and Compounds. -2008.-Vol.458, N 1-2.-P.223-230.
10. Journal of Allous and Compounds. -2008.-Vol.465, N 1-2.-P.51-60.
11. Journal of Allous and Compounds. -2008.-Vol.465, N 1-2.-P.387-390.
12. Journal of the American Chemical Society. -2008.-Vol.130, N 12.-P.4122-4128.
13. Journal of Chemical Physics. -2008.-Vol.128, N 15.art.154719.
14. Journal of Chemical Physics. -2008.-Vol.128, N 23.art.234704.
15. Journal of Colloid & Interface Science. -2008.-Vol.317, N 2.-P.375-382.
16. Journal of Colloid & Interface Science. -2008.-Vol.318, N 2.-P.188-194.
17. Journal of Colloid & Interface Science. -2008.-Vol.318, N 2.-P.365-371.
18. Journal of Colloid & Interface Science. -2008.-Vol.320, N 1.-P.186-193.
19. Journal of Colloid & Interface Science. -2008.-Vol.320, N 2.-P.436-444.
20. Journal of Computational Physics. -2008.-Vol.227, N 6.-P.3174-3190.
21. Journal of Crystal Growth. -2008.-Vol.310, N 7-9.-P.2301-2305.
22. Journal of Nuclear Materials. -2008.-Vol.375, N 3.-P.365-369.
23. Journal of Organometallic Chemistry. -2000.-Vol.599, N 1. Sp.iss.
24. Journal of Physical Chemistry. -2008.-Vol.112, N 12.-P.4480-4485.
25. Journal of Physical Chemistry. -2008.-Vol.112, N 46.-P.18034-18038.
26. Journal of Physics. A. -2008.-Vol.41, N 23. art.235209.
27. Journal of Physics. A. -2008.-Vol.41, N 29.art.299801.
28. Journal of Solid State Chemistry. -2008.-Vol.181, N 7.-P.1509-1523.
29. Journal of Solid State Chemistry. -2008.-Vol.181, N 7.-P.1621-1627.
30. Journal of Solid State Chemistry. -2008.-Vol.181, N 8.-P.1782-1791.
31. Journal of Solid State Chemistry. -2008.-Vol.181, N 8.-P.1915-1924.
32. Journal of Solid State Chemistry. -2008.-Vol.181, N 10.-P.2796-2803.
33. Physica Status Solidi. -2008.-Vol.245, N 10. Sp.iss.-P.1943-1946.
34. Physica Status Solidi. -2008.-Vol.245, N 10. Sp.iss.-P.1983-1985.
35. Physica Status Solidi. -2008.-Vol.245, N 10. Sp.iss.-P.2025-2028.
36. Physica Status Solidi. -2008.-Vol.245, N 10. Sp.iss.-P.2029-2033.
37. Physica Status Solidi. -2008.-Vol.245, N 10. Sp.iss.-P.2034-2037.
38. Physica Status Solidi. -2008.-Vol.245, N 10. Sp.iss.-P.2042-2046.
39. Physica Status Solidi. -2008.-Vol.245, N 10. Sp.iss.-P.2047-2050.
40. Physica Status Solidi. -2008.-Vol.245, N 10. Sp.iss. -P.2292-2295.
41. Physics Reports. -2002.-Vol.357, N 6.
42. Pure & Applied Chemistry. -2000.-Vol.72, N 1-2. Sp.top.