Явления в твердом гелии
24 июня - 9 июля 2009 г. - в библиотеке ИФТТ.КНИГИ
1. Дмитриев И. С. Человек эпохи перемен: очерки о Д.И. Менделееве и его времени. -СПб: ХИМИЗДАТ, 2004.-573 с.
2. Д.И. Менделеев и наука об измерениях. Т.2: Избранные работы по метрологии Д. И. Менделеева. -М., 2008.-375 с.
3. Akimoto Hikota et all. Direct measurement of superfluid fraction of 3He-Al and A in high magnetic field. -Tokyo: Inst. for solid state physics, Univ. of Tokyo, 1996.-4 с.
4. Akimoto Hikota et all. Hydrodynamic of properties on superfluid 3He in high magnetic fields up to 12 Tesla. -Tokyo: Inst. for solid state physics, Univ. of Tokyo, 1995.-6 с.
5. Akimoto Hikota et all. Presure dependence of the superfluid fraction in 3He-A. -Tokyo: Inst. for solid state physics, Univ. of Tokyo, 1995.-6 с.
6. Ando Tsuneya, Nakanishi Takeshi. Impurity scattering in carbon nanotubes: Absence of back scattering. -Tokyo: Inst. for solid state physics, Univ. of Tokyo, 1998.-11 с.
7. Arndt Markus. Optics Spektrockopie und Magnetresonanz an Metallotomen in flussigem und festem 4He. -Garching: Max-Planck-Inst. fur Quantenoptik, 1995.-III, 117 с.
8. Baskin Evgenij P. Superfluidty of 3He-4He mixtures. -Trondheim, 1991. -12 с.
9. Competition of multiple spin exchanges in submonolayer solid 3He. -Tokyo: Inst. for solid state physics, Univ. of Tokyo, 1998.-4 с.
10. Crossover in the AC response of thin 4He films in porous glass with 1 mkm pore diameter near the superfluid transition. -Tokyo: Inst. for solid state physics, Univ. of Tokyo, 1997.-4 с.
11. Dynamics of the sliding transition in the Wigner solid on liquid 4He. -Tokyo: Inst. For solid state physics, Univ. of Tokyo, 1995.-13 с.
12. Elementary exitations and phase transitions in two-dimentional 4He and thin 4He films. -Tokyo: Inst. for solid state physics, Univ. of Tokyo, 1994.-16 с.
13. Fogelstroem Mikael. Numerical studies with the quasiclassical theory in superfluid 3He. -Abo: Abo akad. univ. press, 1995.-40 c.
14. Goryo Jun. Berry phase and spin quantum Hall effect in vortex state of superfluid 3He in two dimentions. -Chiba: Inst. for solid state physics, Univ. of Tokyo, 2002.-6 с.
15. Haran Gregortz. Impurity effect in high temperature superconductors. - Wroclaw: Oficyna Wydaw. Politech. wroclawskiej, 2001.-101 с.
16. Hotta Takashi. Comment on "impurity effects in d-wave superconductors". -Tokyo: Inst. for solid state physics, Univ. of Tokyo, 1995.-8 с.
17. Lino Youichirou, Imada Masatoshi. Effects of nonmagnetic imputity doping on spin ladder system - Tokyo: Inst. for solid state physics, Univ. of Tokyo, 1996.-4 с.
18. Impurity effect on spin ladder system. -Tokyo: Inst. for solid state physics, Univ. of Tokyo, 1996.-4 с.
19. Impurity effect on the stability of the ground-state spin configuration in triangular lattice antiferromagne Cu-Fe02. -Tokyo: Inst. for solid state physics, Univ. of Tokyo, 1995.-12 с.
20. The ISSP Tokyo rotation cryostat. -Tokyo: Inst. for solid state physics, Univ. of Tokyo, 1995.-6 c.
21. Ito Shin-ichiro et al. Damping of edge magnetoplasmons and quantum transport of surface-state electrons on liquid helium. -Tokyo: Inst. for solid state physics, Univ. of Tokyo, 1997.-4 с.
22. Kumuro Taku et al. Acoustic transmission spectra in the Penrose lattice. -Tokyo: Inst. for solid state physics, Univ. of Tokyo, 1995.-13 с.
23. Kono Kimitoshi, Shirahama Keiya. Nonliner transport of electron crystal. -Tokyo: Inst. for solid state physics, Univ. of Tokyo, 1996.-12 с.
24. Kotani Akio. The Anderson impurity model for solids. -Tokyo: Inst. for solid state physics, Univ. of Tokyo, 1994.-26 с.
25. Kotani Akido. Theoretical study of resonante X-ray emission in f and d electron systems: Impurity Anderson model a. effects of translational symmetry. -Tokyo: Inst. for solid state physics, Univ. of Tokyo, 1998.-6 с.
26. Kubota Minoru. Superfluidity of thin 4He films adsorbed on well defined porous glasses. -Tokyo: Inst. for solid state physics, Univ. of Tokyo, 1992. -31 с.
27. Nakanishi Takeshi, Ando Tsuneya. Numerical study of impurity scattering in carbon nanotubes. -Tokyo: Inst. for solid state physics, Univ.of Tokyo, 1998.-7c.
28. Obata Toshiaki. Calculation of the phase field of a vortex pair on the surface of a multiply connected supstrate / By Opata Toshiaki a. Kubota Minoru. -Chiba: Inst.for solid state physics, Univ.of Tokyo, 2002.-4 c.
29. Phase separation curve of 3He-4He mixtures under pressure / By Hiroshi Fukuyama, Kurikawa, Hidehoko Ishimoto, a. Shinji Ogawa. -Tokyo: Inst.for solis state physics, Univ. of Tokyo, 1988.-18 c.
30. Physics of cryocrystals / Ed. Manzhelii Vadim G., Freiman Yuri A.; Engl. land. version ed. by Klein Michael L, Maradudin A. -AIP press, 1997.-691 c.
31. Rotation-induced vortices in submonolayer superfluid 4He films on porous glass. -Tokyo: Inst.for solid state physics, Univ. of Tokyo, 1997.-4 c.
32. Search for superfluidity of 3He in 3He - 4He solutions / By Hidehiko Ishimoto et al. -Tokyo: Inst. for solid state physics, 1989.-32 c.
33. Shirahama Keiya, Kono Kimimtoshi. Dynamical transition in Winger solid on liquid helium surface. -Tokyo: Inst. for solid state physics, Univ. of Tokyo, 1994.-13 с.
34. Shirahama Keiya, Kono Kimimtoshi. Sliding Winger solid on liquid 4He. -Tokyo: Inst. for solid state physics, Univ. of Tokyo, 1996.-22 с.
35. Shirahama Keiya et al. Winger solid on the free surface of superfluid 3He. -Tokyo: Inst. for solid state physics, Univ. of Tokyo, 1997.-4 с.
36. Size depend Kosterlitz-Thouless superfluid transition in thin 4He films adsorbed on porous glasses / by K. Shirahama, M. Kubota, S. Ogawa. -Tokyo: Inst. for solid state physics, Univ. of Tokyo, 1989.-16 с.
37. Skjetne B., Ostgaard Erlend. The D1, D2 and D3 ground-state energy levels of many-body spin-polarized atomic deuterium. -[Trondheim], 1999.-18 c.
38. Skjetne B., Ostgaard Erlend. Liquid 3He^ undolarized and fully spin-polarized ground-state energies. -[Trondheim], 1996.-17 c.
39. Skjetne B., Ostgaard Erlend. Liquid 4He: ground-state pressure, compressibility and velocity of first sound. -[Trondheim], 1995.-20 c.
40. Skjetne B., Ostgaard Erlend. LOCV ground-state energy calculations for partially spin-polarized liquid 3He. -[Trondheim], 1997.-15 c.
41. Skjetne B., Ostgaard Erlend. Variational calculations for the ground-state energies of liquid 3He and 4He. -[Trondheim], 1995.-52c.
42. Skjetne B., Ostgaard Erlend. Variational calculations for the ground-state energy of liquid 4He. -[Trondheim], 1994.-46 c.
43. Sliding of the Winger solid from the coupled plasmon-rippon surface deformation / by Shirahama Keiya, Ito Shin-ichiro, Suto Hiroyuki, Kono Kimitoshi. -Tokyo: Inst. for solid state physics, Univ. of Tokyo, 1995.-6 с.
44. Surface study of liquid 3He using surface electrons/ by Shirahama Keiya, Ito Shin-ichiro, Suto Hiroyuki, Kono Kimitoshi. -Tokyo: Inst. for solid state physics, Univ. of Tokyo, 1995.-6 с.
45. Sveen Larrs Brusletto, Ostgaard Erlend. Variational calculations of the ground state energy for spin polarized solid 3He. -[Trondheim], 1995.- 63 c.
46. Thermal conductivity study of thin He films adsorbed in porous glasses with well controlled pore sizes. -Tokyo: Inst. for solid state physics, Univ. of Tokyo, 1995.-6 c.
47. Ultrahigh-resolution photoemission spectroscopy of Ni borocarbides: Directs observation of the superconducting gar a. a change in gar anisotropy by impurity. -Tokyo: Inst. for solid state physics, Univ. of Tokyo, 2000.-5 c.
48. Yamomoto Hirishi, Isikawa Masayasu. A continuous evalution from Kondo lattice to impurity Kondo regime in CelxLaxFe Ge3. -Tokyo, Inst. for solid state physics, Univ. of Tokyo, 1995.-12 c.
1. Applied Magnetic Resonance. -2008.-Vol.34, N 3-4.-P.461-473.
2. Applid Physics Letters. -2006.-Vol.89, N19, Art. 191113.
3. Applid Physics Letters. -2006.-Vol.89, N20, Art. 201102.
4. Applid Physics Letters. -2006.-Vol.92, N11, Art. 111105.
5. Comptes Rendus Mathematique. -2002.-Vol.335, N 8.-P.693-698.
6. Electronics Letters. -2005.-Vol. 41.-Ъ 20.-P. 1121-1122.
7. Japanes Journal of Applied Physics 1. -2005.-Vol.44, N 8.-P 5923-5932.
8. Journal of Applied Physics. -2005.-Vol.97, N 10.-Art.104111.
9. Journal of Crystal Grows. -2008.-Vol.310, N 4. P.788.
10. Journal of Low Temperature Physics. -1998.-Vol.113, N 3-4, N5-6.
11. Journal of Low Temperature Physics. -1999.-Vol.114, N1- 6.
12. Journal of Low Temperature Physics. -1999.-Vol.115, N1-6.
13. Journal of Low Temperature Physics. -1999.-Vol.116, N1-6.
14. Journal of Low Temperature Physics. -1999.-Vol.117, N1-6.
15. Journal of Low Temperature Physics. -2002.-Vol.126, N 1-6.
16. Journal of Physics: Condenced Matter -2008.-Vol.20, N 1, Art. 015223.
17. Journal of Physics: Condenced Matter -2008.-Vol.20, N 10, Art. 104246.
18. Journal of Physics: Condenced Matter -2008.-Vol.20, N 29, Art. 295230.
19. Letters in Mathematical Physics. -2007.-Vol.79, N 3.-P.279-294.
20. Macromolecules. -2008.-Vol.41, N 6-P.2178-2185.
21. Nature. -2007.-Vol.450, N 7171.-P.853-856.
22. Physica B. -2000.-Vol.280, N 1-4.
23. Physica B. -2000.-Vol.284-288.
24. Physica B. -2003.-Vol.329-333.
25. Physical Review B. -2000.-Vol.61, N 18.-P.12094-12100
26. Physical Review B. -2000.-Vol.61, N22-P.15476.
27. Physical Review B. -2000.-Vol.62, N 1.-P.584-591.
28. Physical Review B. -2003.-Vol.67, N 9.-Art.094303
29. Physical Review B. -2003.-Vol.67, N 24.-Art.245314.
30. Physical Review B. -2004.-Vol.70, N 17.-Art.172506.
31. Physical Review B. -2005.-Vol.71, N 4.-Art.045318.
32. Physical Review B. -2007.-Vol.75, N 9.-Art.092501.
33. Physical Review B. -2008.-Vol.78, N 1.-Art.014515.
34. Physical Review Letters. -2008.-Vol.100.- N6.-Art.065301.
35. Physical Review Letters. -2008.-Vol.101.-N7.-Art.075301.
36. Physics Report. -2008.-Vol.469, N 1.
37. Science. -2005.-Vol.310, N 5751.-P.1164-1166.