Новые методы, приборы и программы в рентгеновской кристаллографии

Январь, 2010 г.

1. Молекулярные структуры: Прецизион.методы исслед. / Симонетта М., Гавезотти А., Кучицу К. и др.; Доменикано А., Харгиттаи И. (ред.); Чл.-кор. РАН Стручков Ю.Т., Вилков Л.В. (ред.пер.с англ.). -М., 1997.-671с.
2. Неразрушающие физические методы и средства контроля: XIII Науч.-техн.конф., 8-12 сент.1993 г.: Тез.докл. -СПб., 1993.-123 с.
3. Физика и техника импульсных источников ионизирующих излучений для исследования быстропротекающих процессов: Сб.науч.тр. / Макеев Н.Г. (ред.). -Саров, 1996.-490 с.
4. Genzel C. Entwicklung eines Mess-und Auswerteverfahrens zur roentgenographischen Analyse des Eigenspannungszustandes im Oberflaechenbereich vielkristalliner Werkstoffe: Habilitationsschrift/ Vorgelegt von Genzel Christoph. -[Berlin], [1999].-XIII, 232 p.
5. Moeller D. Entwicklung eines roentgenographischen Messverfahrens zur Eigenspannungsanalyse im Mikrometerbereich: genehmigte Diss. / Vorgelegt von Moeller D. -Berlin, 1999.-X, 126 c.
6. Non-destructive testing 1992, vol.1: 13th, Sao Paulo, Brazil, 18-23 Oct. 1992/ Ed. by Hallai G., Kulcsar P. -1992.-XLIV, 701, 8 c.
7. Non-destructive testing 1992, vol.2: 13th, Sao Paulo, Brazil, 18-23 Oct. 1992/ Ed. by Hallai G., Kulcsar P. -1992.-XXIX, c.703-1330,8.
8. Nondestructive characterization of materials. 9:9th Sydney, Australia, June/July 1999 / Ed. Green Robert E.,jr. -Cop.1999, XV, 717 c.
9. Semiconductors for room-temperature radiation 2: 2d, Dec. 1-5, 1997, Boston, Mass., U.S.A./ Ed. James Ralph B. et al. -1998.-XVI, 663 c.
10. Smart nondestructive evaluation for health monitoring of structural and biological systems / Spons. And publ. by SPIE-the Intern. Soc. For optical engineering; Kundu Tribikram, chair/ed. -Bellingham (Wash.), 2002.-XI, 468 c. (Proc. Of SPIE; Vol.4702).
11. Snyder R.L. et al. Defect and microstructure analysis by diffraction / Snyder R.L., Fiala J., Bunge H.J. -Chester, 1999.-XXII, 785 c.
12. X-ray diffraction at elevated temperatures: A method for in situ process analysis / Chung D.D.L., DeHaven P.W., Arnold H., Ghosh Debashis. -New York etc., 1993.-VIII, 268 c.
13. X-ra microscopy and spectromicroscopy: Status rep. from the Fifth Intern.conf., Wuerzburg, Aug.19-23, 1996: The book contains the invited papers: The CD-ROM contains all contributions to the conf. / Thieme J. et al.(eds.). -Berlin etc., 1998.
14. X-ray topography and crystal characterization / A theme comp. and ed. by Bowen D.K., Tanner B.K. -London, 1999.-C.2627-2848.
15. Zevin L.S., Kimmel G. Quantitative X-ray diffractometry / Ed. by Mureinik I. -New York etc., 1995.-XVII, 372.

1. Химия гетероциклических соединений. -2006.-N 6.-С.930-934.
2. Acta Chimica Slovenica. -2000.-Vol.47, N 1.-P.89-98.
3. Acta Chimica Slovenica. -2008.-Vol.55, N 4.-P.689-691.
4. Angewandte Chemie. Int. Edition. -2005.-Vol.42, N 37.-P.4479-4482.
5. Angewandte Chemie. Int. Edition. -2005.-Vol.44, N 15.-P.2262-2265.
6. Angewandte Chemie. Int. Edition. -2005.-Vol.44, N 24.-P.3690-3694.
7. Angewandte Chemie. Int. Edition. -2005.-Vol.44, N 35.-P.5720-5725.
8. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics. -2003.-Vol.417, N 1.-P.81-86.
9. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. -2004.-Vol.322, N 3.-P.966-973.
10. Biochemical Journal. -2005.-Vol.385, N 1.-P.75-83.
11. Biochemical Journal Transactions. -2003.-Vol.31, N 3.-P.523-527.
12. Biochemistry. -2007.-Vol.46, N 6.-P.1484-1494.
13. Biochemistry. -2009.-Vol.48, N 19.-P.4126-4138.
14. Biochemistry. -2009.-Vol.48, N 26.-P.6202-6212.
15. Biophysical Journal. -2007.-Vol.92, N 12.-P.L106-L108.
16. Biophysical Journal. -2008.-Vol.95, N 5.-P.2415-2422.
17. Bioscience, Biotechnology and Biochemistry (until 1992: Agricultural and Biological Chemistry). -2008.-Vol.72, N 9.-P.2369-2376.
18. Chemical Physics Letters. -2002.-Vol.356.-P.318-324.
19. Chemistry Letters. -2007.-Vol.36, N 10.-P.1272-1273.
20. Chemistry Letters. -2009.-Vol.38, N 4.-P.384.
21. Chemistry - A European Journal (DEU). -2003.-Vol.9, N 21.-P.5332-5342.
22. ChemPhysChem.(USA). -2003.-Vol.4, N 10.-P.1059-1064.
23. European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry. -2005.-N 15.-P.3109-3117.
24. European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry. -2006.-N 6.-P.1127-1129.
25. European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry. -2008.-N 22.-P.3549-3560.
26. European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry. -2009.-N 11.-P.1495-1502.
27. FEBS Letters. -2007.-Vol.581, N 25.-P.4983-4987.
28. Inorganic Chemistry. -2006.-Vol.45, N 2.-P.779-786.
29. Inorganic Chemistry. -2007.-Vol.46, N 1.-P.170-178.
30. Inorganic Chemistry. -2007.-Vol.46, N 4.-P.1369-1378.
31. Inorganic Chemistry. -2007.-Vol.46, N 6.-P.2041-2056.
32. Journal of Materials Science. Materials in Electronics. -1999.-Vol.10, N 3.
33. Journal of Organic Chemistry. -2002.-Vol.67, N 21.-P.7511-7528.
34. Journal of Organic Chemistry. -2005.-Vol.70, N 23.-P.9131-9138.
35. Journal of Organic Chemistry. -2008.-Vol.73, N 11.-P.4245-4247.
36. Journal of Organometallic Chemistry. -2005.-Vol.690, N 4.-P.916-924.
37. Journal of Physical Chemistry. A. -2003.-Vol.107, N 22.-P.4563-4567.
38. Journal of Physical Chemistry. A. -2007.-Vol.111, N 50.-P.12972-12976.
39. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter. -2001.-Vol.13, N 34.
40. Journal of Research of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (USA). -2001.-Vol.106, N 6.-P.889-920.
41. Monatshefte fur Chemie - Chemical Monthly. -2006.-Vol.137, N 9.-P.1225-1240.
42. Nucleic Acids Research. -2004.-Vol.32, N 5.-P.1638-1646.
43. Nucleic Acids Research. -2008.-Vol.36, N 3.-P.970-983.
44. Nucleic Acids Research. -2008.-Vol.36, N 22.-P.7146-7156.
45. Organic Letters. -2004.-Vol.6, N 7.-P.1099-1102.
46. Organic Letters. -2007.-Vol.9, N 7.-P.1355-1358.
47. Photosynthesis Research (NLD). -2008.-Vol.98.-P.523-527.
48. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. -2003.-Vol.100, N 15.-P.8670-8675.
49. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. -2004.-Vol.101, N 43.-P.15330-15334.
50. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. -2003.-Vol.102, N 50.-P.17958-17963.
51. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. -2003.-Vol.106, N 12.-P.4641-4646.
52. Science. -2003.-Vol.300, N 5627.-P.1944-1947.
53. Structural Chemistry (DEU). -2008.-Vol.19, N 1.-P.155-164.
54. Synthetic Communications (USA). -2008.-Vol.38, N 8.-P.1268-1278.
55. Tetrahedron: Asymmetry. -2005.-Vol.16, N 5.-P.1035-1046.
56. Tetrahedron: Asymmetry. -2005.-Vol.16, N 5.-P.1047-1053.
57. Tetrahedron: Asymmetry. -2005.-Vol.16, N 8.-P.1557-1566.