Композиционные материалы на основе графена и полимеров
1 -27 марта 2012 г. - в Центральной библиотеке НЦЧ РАН.КНИГИ
1. Майер-Вестус У. Полиуретаны. Покрытия, клеи и герметики. Пер. с англ. -М.: Пэйнт-Медиа, 2009.-400 с.
2. Штомпель В.И., Керча Ю.Ю. Структура линейных полиуретанов. -Киев: Наукова думка, 2008.-248 с.
3. The application of fracture mechanics to polymers, adhesives and composites / Ed. by D.R.Moore. -Amsterdam etc.: Elsevier, 2004.-IX, 288 p.
4. Carbon nanomaterials in clean energy hydrogen systems / Ed. by Baranowski B. et al. -Dordrecht: Springer, 2008.-XXXIII, 907 p.
5. Goodwin J. Colloids and interfaces with surfactants and polymers. -Chichester: Wiley, 2009.-XII, 376 p.
6. Materials for electronics / Ed. by R.D.Miller, E.A.Chandross. -Chemical Reviews.-2010.-Vol.110, N 1.
7. Micro- and nanostructures multiphase polymer blend systems. Phase morphology and interfaces / Ed/ by Harrats C. et al. -Boca Raton: Taylor and Frances, 2006.-442 p.
8. Monomers, polymers and composites from renewable resources / Ed. by Belgacem M.N., Gandini A. -Amsterdam etc.: Elsevier, 2009.-VIII, 552 p.
9. Polymer nanocomposites / Ed by Mai Yiu-Wing and Yu Z.-Z. -Boca Raton etc.: CRC press, 2006.-XVIII, 594 p.
10. Polymer nanocomposites: handbook / Ed. by Gupta R.K., Kennel E., Kim K.-J. -Boca Raton etc.: CRC press, 2010.-XIV, 549 p.
11. Prager F.H., Rosteck H. Polyuretane and fire: fire performance testing under real conditions. -Weinheim: Wiley-VCH, 2006.-VI, 511 p.
1. Burres J.W., Gadipelli S., Ford J. et al. Graphene oxide framework materials: Theoretical predictions and experimental results. -Angew.Chem. Int.Ed.-2010.-Vol.49, N 47, p.8902-8904.
2. Rycers A. Electron transport and quantum-dot energy levels in Zn-shaped grapheme nanoconstriction with zigzag edges. -Acta Physica Polonica A.-2010.-Vol.118, N 2, p.238-243.
3. Chico L., Santos H., Ayuela A., Jaskolski W. et al. Unzipped and defective nanotubes: rolling up grapheme and unrolling tubes. -Acta Physica Polonica A.-2010.-Vol.118, N 3, p.433-441.
4. Odaka S., Miyazaki H., Li S.-L. et al. Anisotropic transport in grapheme on SiC substrate with periodic nanofacets. -Appl.Phys.Lett.-2010.-Vol.96, N 6, p.062111-1.
5. Xue K., Xu Zh. Strain effects on basai-plane hydrogenation of graphene: A first-principles study. -Appl.Phys.Lett.-2010.-Vol.96, N 6, p.063103-1.
6. Brenner K., Murali R. Single step, complementary doping of graphene. -Appl.Phys.Lett.-2010.-Vol.96, N 6, p.063104-1.
7. Zheng M., Takei K., Hsia B. et al. Metal-catalyzed crystallization of amorphous carbon to graphene. -Appl.Phys.Lett.-2010.-Vol.96, N 6, p.063110-1.
8. Yu Zh., Sun L.Z., Zhang C.X., Zhong J.X. Transport properties of corrugated graphene nanoribbons. -Appl.Phys.Lett.-2010.-Vol.96, N 17, p.173101-1.
9. Wang Zh., Zhang Zh., Xu H. et al. A high-performance top-gate graphene field-effect transistor based frequency doubler. -Appl.Phys.Lett.-2010.-Vol.96, N 17, p.173104-1.
10. Ruzicka B.A., Werake L.K., Zhao H. et al. Femtosecond pump-probe studies of reduced graphene oxide thin films. -Appl.Phys.Lett.-2010.-Vol.96, N 17, p.173106-1.
11. Bruna M., Vaira A., Battiato A. et al. Graphene strain tuning by control of the substrate surface chemistry. -Appl.Phys.Lett.-2010.-Vol.97, N 2, p.021911-1.
12. Lahiri J., Batzill M. Graphene destruction by metal-carbide formation: An approach for patterning of metal-supported graphene. -Appl.Phys.Lett.-2010.-Vol.97, N 2, p.023102-1.
13. Park S.D., Lee S.W., Kang S. et al. Effects of nanofluids containing graphene/graphene-oxide nanosheets on critical heat flux. -Appl.Phys.Lett.-2010.-Vol.97, N 2, p.023103-1.
14. Li R., Liu C., Ma J. Studies on the properties of graphene oxide-reinforced starch biocomposites. -Carbohydrate Polymers.-2011.-Vol.84, N 1, p.631-637.
15. Ghosh A., Rao K.V., Voggu R., George S.J. Non-covalent functionalization, solubilization of graphene and single-walled carbon nanotubes with aromatic donor and acceptor molecules. -Chem.Phys.Lett.-2010.-Vol.488, N 4-6, p.198-201.
16. Zhang K., Zhang L.L., Zhao X.S., Wu J. Graphene/polyaniline nanofiber composites as supercopacitor electrodes. -Chemistry of Materials.-2010.-Vol.22, N 4, p.1392-1401.
17. Gao J., Liu F., Liu Y. et al. Environment-friendly method to produce graphene that employs vitamin C and amino acid. -Chemistry of Materials.-2010.-Vol.22, N 7, p.2213-2218.
18. Kim H., Miura Y., Macosko C.W. Graphene/polyurethane nanocomposites for improved gas barrier and electrical conductivity. -Chemistry of Materials.-2010.-Vol.22, N 11, p.3441-3450.
19. Huang Y., Qin Y., Zhou Y. et al. Polypropilene/graphene oxide nanocomposites prepared by in situ Ziegler-Natta polymerization. -Chemistry of Materials.-2010.-Vol.22, N 13, p.4096-4102.
20. He H., Gao C. General approach to individually dispersed, highly soluble, and conductive graphene nanosheets functionalized by nitrene chemistry. -Chemistry of Materials.-2010.-Vol.22, N 17, p.5054-5064.
21. Biswas S., Drzal L.T. Multilayered nanoarchitecture of graphene nanospeets and polypyrrole nanowires for high performance supercapacitor electrodes. -Chemistry of Materials.-2010.-Vol.22, N 20, p.5667-5671.