Сверхпроводники - оксиды, пниктиды, халькогениды
Выставка научной литературы из фондов БЕН РАН для лаборатории Химических основ технологии сложных оксидов ИФТТ РАН.14 октября – 5 ноября 2013 г. в Центральной библиотеке НЦЧ РАН
1. Вильф Фернандо Ж. Опусы теоретической физики. Сверхпроводимость / Вильф Фернандо. -М., 2006. - 336 с.
2. Вихревая материя в сверхпроводниках / Физика низких температур, т. 36, 1, спец. вып. / Оболенский М.А. (ред.). -Харьков, 2010. - 147 с.
3. Кристаллы Bi12MxO20 ' со структурой силленита. Синтез, строение, свойства / Каргин Ю.Ф. , Бурков В.И., Марьин А.А., Егорышева А.В.; Рос. АН. Ин-т общей и неорган. химии им. Н.С. Курнакова. -М., 2004. - 316 с.
4. Машиностроение: наука, сверхпроводимость, техника, образование: сборник научных трудов IX Всероссийской научно-практической конференции / Морд. гос. ун-т им. Н.П. Огарева (ФГБОУ ВПО МГУ им. Н.П. Огарева, Рузаев. ин-т машиностроения (фил.); Фомин А.П. , Гагаев А.А. (отв. ред.) (редкол.). -Рузаевка, 2011. - 484 с.
5. Аванесян В.Т. Физика неупорядоченных и наноструктурированных оксидов и халькогенидов металлов . -С-Пб, 2011.
6. Бельский А.Б., Ковалев В.В., Ковалев В.Г. и др. Высокотемпературная сверхпроводимость магнитокерамических систем: Лазер. материалы. -М.: Изд-во МГТУ, 2004.
7. Венгер Е. Ф. Фотостимулированные процессы в халькогенидных стеклообразных полупроводниках и их практическое применение. -Киев:Академпериодика, 2007.
8. Гинзбург С. Л., Савицкая Н.Е. Лавины магнитного потока и самоорганизованная критичность в дискретных сверхпроводниках. -Гатчина: ПИЯФ РАН, 2007.
9. Изюмов Ю. А. Высокотемпературные сверхпроводники на основе FeAs-соединений. -М.-Ижевск: R&C, 2009.
10. Керимова Э. М. Кристаллофизика низкоразмерных халькогенидов. -Баку: Елм, 2012.
11. Кертман А.В. (отв. ред.) Физико-химический анализ природных и технических систем. -Изд-во Тюменского госуниверситета, 2008.
12. Маренкин С. Ф., Трухан. Фосфиды, арсениды цинка и кадмия. -Минск, 2010.
13. Пузиков В.М., Притула И.М., Колыбаева М.И. Влияние внешних воздействий на структурно-чувствительные свойства монокристаллов группы KDP. -Харьков, 2009.
14. Рябухин А.Г., Стенников М.А. Теплоемкость кристаллических оксидов. -Челябинск: Изд-во ЮУрГУ, 2004.
15. Сб. тр. 6-й междунар. конф. в 4 т. Рост монокристаллов и тепломассоперенос (ICSC-2005). т. 1-4. -Обнинск, 2005.
16. Унгер Ф.Г. Наносистемы, дисперсные системы, квантовая механика, спиновая химия. (Статистическая модель структуры молекул). -Томск, 2010.
17. Фундаментальные проблемы высокотемпературной сверхпроводимости. Т. 3. -М.: Изд-во ФИАН, 2008.
18. Халдояниди К. А. Фазовые диаграммы гетерогенных систем с трансформациями. -- Новосибирск, 2004.
19. Юшина Л. Д. Пленки твердооксидных электролитов. -Екатеринбург, 2012.
20. Зимин С.П. Наноструктурированные халькогениды свинца. -Ярославль, 2011.
21. Фундаментальные проблемы высокотемпературной сверхпроводимости. -М.:ФИАН, 2011
22. Complex phenomena in nanoscale systems: proceedings of the NATO Advanced research workshop on recent advances in nonlinear dynamics and complex system physics: from natural to social sciences and security , Tashkent, Uzbekistan, 12-17 Oct. 2008 / ed. by Casati Giulio a. Matrasulov Davron. -Dordrech : Springer, cop. 2009. - XIV, 273 c
23. Comprehensive organometallic chemistry III. Vol. 3: Compounds of groups 13 to 15 / volume ed. Housecroft Catherine E. -2007. - XVII, 946 c.
24. Corrosion, wear, fatigue, and reliability of ceramics: a collection of papers presented at the 32nd Intern. conf. on advanced ceramics and composites , Jan. 27-Febr. 1, 2008, Daytona Beach, Fla / ed. by Salem Jonathan , Fuller Edwin. - Hoboken (N.J.) : Wiley, cop. 2009. - XII, 202 c. : ил., табл. -Ceramic engineering and science proceedings.-V. 29, iss. 3, P. 201-202.
25. Ferro Riccardo. Intermetallic chemistry / Ferro R., Saccone Adriana . -Pergamon materials series. -V.13. - Amsterdam etc.: Elsevier, 2008. - XXII, 786 c.
26. High Tc superconductors and related transition metal oxides: special contributions in honor of K. Alex Mueller on the occasion of his 80th birthday / Bussmann-Holder Annette , Keller Hugo (eds.). -Berlin. : Springer, cop. 2007. - 319 c. Mueller K. Alex, о нем.
27. New frontiers in superconductivity research / Martins Barry P. ed. -New York: Nova science publ., 2006. - 221 c.
28. Perspectives on superconductivity research / Lewis Paul S. ed. - New York : Nova science publ., cop. 2007. - IX, 124 c.
29. Progress in light metals, aerospace materials and superconductors. Pt 1: Magnesium / ed. by Long Siyuan. -Materials science forum. - 2007.-V. 546-549. - XVII, 604 c.
30. Progress in superconductivity research / Chang Oliver A. ed.; contributors Curatolo S. et al. -New York: Nova science publ., cop. 2008. - 206 c.
31. Recent developments in superconductivity research / Martins Barry P. ed.; contributors Abrutis Adulfas et al. -New York: Nova science publ., cop. 2007. - XI, 350 c., CD-ROM.
32. Saxema Ajay Kumar. High-temperature superconductors / Saxema Ajay Kumar. -Heidelberg etc.: Springer, cop. 2010. - XIV, 223 c.
33. Structure-property relationships in non-linear optical crystals. 2 / with contributions by Guo G.-C. et al. - 2012. - XIII, 137 c.
34. Studies of high temperature superconductors. Irradiation effects and cationic disorder in HTS. -2003.-V. 47.
35. Studies of high temperature superconductors. -2006.-V. 50.
36. Superconductivity research advances / Nolan James E. ed.; contributors Aoki Hideo et al. -Horizons in world physics.-V. 261. - New York: Nova science publ., cop. 2008. - 296 c.
37. Superconductivity. Vol. 1: Conventional and unconventional superconductors. -2008. - XVI, 762 c.
38. Superconductivity. Vol. 2: Novel superconductors. -2008. - XVI, c. 766-1568 :
39. Symmetry and heterogeneity in high temperature superconductors: Proc. of the NATO Advanced study research workshop on symmetry a. heterogeneity in high temperature superconductors , Erice, Sicily, Italy, Oct. 4-10, 2003 / Ed. by Bianconi Antonio . -NATO science ser. Ser. II: Mathematics, physics a. chemistry. -V. 214. - Dordrecht : Springer, Cop. 2006.
40. The Physics of organic superconductors and conductors / Lebed Andrei ed. -Berlin: Springer, cop. 2008. - XXVI, 752 c.
41. Trends in boson research / Ling A.V. ed.; contributors Abdullaev B. [et al.]. -New York: Nova science publ., cop. 2006. - IX, 234 c.
42. YBCO superconductor research progress / Liang Li-Chun ed. -New York : Nova science publ., cop. 2008. - XII, 227 c.
43. Zakery A. Optical nonlinearities in chalcogenide glasses and their applications / Zakery A., Elliott S.R. -Berlin etc.: Springer, cop. 2007. - IX, 199 c.
44. Romanovskii Vladimir. Superconductivity : theory, materials and applications . -New York: Nova science publ., 2012.
45. Superconductivity research and applications. Magnetic mechanism of superconductivity in copper-oxide / Das Tanmoy ed. -New York: Nova science publ., 2011.
1. Zero Temperature Phase Diagram of a d-Wave Superconductor with Anderson Impurities -Acta Physica Polonica. A. - 2009.-V.115, N 1, P. 120-122.
2. Modeling of the surface impedance of conductive ferromagnetic films on different substrates -Acta Physica Polonica. A. - 2008.-V.113, N 1, P. 187-190.
3. A Comparison of the Valence Band Structure of Bulk and Epitaxial GeTe-based Diluted Magnetic Semicon -Acta Physica Polonica. A. - 2010.-V.117, N 2, P. 293-295.
4. Current-Driven Monte Carlo Simulation of Conduction in Switching Chalcogenides Author(s): Piccin -Acta Physica Polonica. A. - 2011.-V.119, N 2, P. 121-124.
5. High Temperature Magnetic and Thermal Properties of (PbySn1-y)(2)P2S6 Chalcogenides Author(s) -Acta Physica Polonica. A. - 2012.-V.122, N 1, P. 12-14.
6. Magnetism and Superconductivity in Iron Pnictides -Acta Physica Polonica. A. 2012.-V.121, N 5, P. 999-1004.
7. Surface impedance imaging technique. Foley, Kyle J.; Shan, Xiaonan; Tao, N. J. -Analytical Chemistry. -2008.-V.80, N 13, P. 5146-5151.
8. Gigahertz-range synchronization at room temperature and other features of charge-density wave trans -Applied Physics Letters. -2009.-V.94, N 15, P. 152112.
9. Metal-induced nanostructures on surfaces of layered chalcogenides. -Applied Surface Science. - 2005.-V.241, N 1, P. 49-55.
10. Rare-earth doped chalcogenide thin films fabricated by pulsed laser deposition -Applied Surface Science. - 2005.-V.248, P. 376-380, 224-230.
11. BCS-BEC crossover: from high temperature superconductors to ultracold superfluids / Chen Qijin , Stajic Jelena, Tan Shina, Levin K. -Physics rep. 2005.-V. 412, N 1, P. 84-88.
12. Exploration of Boundary between Charge-Density-Wave and Mott-Hubbard States in Quasi-One-Dimensional -Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan. - 2012.-V. 85, N 2, P. 169-180.
13. Inhomogeneity, dynamical symmetry, and complexity in high-temperature superconductors: Reconciling -Chinese Science Bulletin. - 2011. -V.56, N 4, P. 367-371.
14. The orbital characters of low-energy electronic structure in iron-chalcogenide superconductor -Chinese Science Bulletin. - 2012.-V. 57, N 30, P 3829-3835.
15. Complex oxide materials for new technologies, symposium K (2006; Warsaw). Proceedings of the Symposium K: Complex oxide materials for new technologies of the E-MRS Fall meeting 2006, Warsaw, Sept 4-8, 2006 / ed. of the proc. Puzniak Roman et al. - Warsaw : Pol. acad. of sciences, Inst. of physics. - 188 c. : ил. -Acta physica Polonica. A. - 2007.-V. 111, N 1.
16. Electron-phonon interaction in high-temperature superconductors / Guest ed.: Kulic Miodrag . - Weinheim : Wily-VCH, 2005. - 7, 9, 178 c. : ил., табл. - Physica status solidi. B, Basic solid state physics. - 2005.-V.242, N 1.
17. P-T phase diagram of iron arsenide superconductor NdFeAsO0.88F0.12. -A Letters Journal Exploring the Frontiers of Physics (until 2007: Europhysics Letters). - 2012. V.100, N 4, P. 46005.
18. Superconductivity and vortex pinning in Fe1.04Te0.60Se0.40 single crystal. -A Letters Journal Exploring the Frontiers of Physics (until 2007: Europhysics Letters). - 2010. -V.92, N 5, P. 57004.
19. Superconductivity close to the charge-density-wave instability. -A Letters Journal Exploring the Frontiers of Physics (until 2007: Europhysics Letters). - 2010. -V.90, N 2, P. 27001.
20. Spin-charge-density wave in a rounded-square Fermi surface for ultracold atoms. -A Letters Journal Exploring the Frontiers of Physics (until 2007: Europhysics Letters). - 2012. V.97, N 3, P. 33002.
21. Aharonov-Bohm effect in charge-density wave loops with inherent temporal current switching. -A Letters Journal Exploring the Frontiers of Physics (until 2007: Europhysics Letters). - 2012.-V.97, N 5, P. 557011.
22. Fe-doping-induced superconductivity in the charge-density-wave system 1T-TaS2. -A Letters Journal Exploring the Frontiers of Physics (until 2007: Europhysics Letters). - 2012.-V. 97, N 6, P. 67005.
23. Fe-doping-induced superconductivity in the charge-density-wave system 1T-Tas(2) -A Letters Journal Exploring the Frontiers of Physics (until 2007: Europhysics Letters). - 2012.-V.98, N 2, P. 29902.
24. Plasmon evolution and charge-density wave suppression in potassium intercalated 2H-TaSe2. -A Letters Journal Exploring the Frontiers of Physics (until 2007: Europhysics Letters). - 2012.-V.100, N 2, P. 27002.
25. Optical properties of the charge-density-wave polychalcogenide compounds -European Physical Journal.B. Condensed Matter and Complex Systems. - 2008.-V. 63, N 1, P. 11-16.
26. Bond stretching phonon anomalies due to incommensurate charge density wave instabilities -European Physical Journal.B. Condensed Matter and Complex Systems. - 2008.-V.63, N 2, P. 179-185.
27. X-ray diffraction study of spontaneous strain in Fe-pnictide superconductor, NdFeAsO0.89F0.11 Au. -European Physical Journal.B. Condensed Matter and Complex Systems 2012.-V.85, N 2, P. 52.
28. High temperature superconductivity and other phenomena in Perovskites: Proc. of the X Nat. school, Warszawa-Bielany, June 6-10, 2004 / Ed. of proc: Puzniak Roman et al. - Warsaw : Pol. acad. of sciences, Inst. of physics. -Acta physica Polonica. A. -2004.-Vol. 106, N 5, P. 553-791.
29. High-Tc superconductivity workshop (2002; Williamsburg, Va). Proceedings of the High-Tc, Williamsburg, Va, 2002. -Solid state communications. -2003.-V. 126, N 1-2, spec. iss. I. International conference on muon spin rotation, relaxation, resonance (2002; Williamsburg, Va).
30. Hundred years of superconductivity, national school (15; 2011; Kazimierz Dolny). Proceedings of the 9th National symposium of synchrotron radiation users , Warsaw, Sept. 26-27, 2011. Selected papers presented at the Tenth Symposium of magnetic measurements. -Acta physica Polonica. A, V. 121, N 4/
31. Distortion and charge density wave in the Ga square net coupled to the site occupancy wave -Inorganic Chemistry. - 2008.-V.47, N 16, P. 7243-7248.
32. International conference on low temperature physics (25; 2008; Amsterdam). -J.of physics:Condenced matter. -2009.-V. 21, N 16, spec. iss.
33. International conference on solid compounds of transition elements (15; 2006; Krakow). -Journal of alloys and compounds. -2007.-V. 442, iss. 1-2, P. 382-389
34. International conference on solid compounds of transition elements (14; 2003; Linz). -J. of alloys a. compounds, ISSN 0925-8388; Vol. 383, iss. 1-2, P. 342-349.
35. International symposium on crystalline organic metals, superconductors and ferromagnets (8; 2009; Niseko). Proceedings of the 8th International; Yamada conference LXIV held in Niseko, Hokkaido, Japan, Sept. 12-17, (ISCOM 2009). -Physica. B, Condensed matter. - 2009. -V. 405, iss. 11.
36. International workshop on weak superconductivity (2005; Bratislava). -Physica. C, Superconductivity a. its applications, ISSN 0921-4534; Vol. 435, iss. 1-2. P. 145-146.
37. Coherent double-pulse excitation of charge-density-wave oscillation -Japanese Journal of Applied Physics. -2007.-V. 46, N 2, P. 870-872.
38. Transport properties of the spinel superconductor CuRh2S4 under pressure -Journal of Applied Physics. 2005.-V. 97, N 10, P. 10B112.
39. Temperature dependent reflectivity and anisotropic magnetization reversal in magnetically doped quas -Journal of Applied Physics. -2008.-V. 103, N 7, P. 07D306.
40. Angular-dependent vortex pinning mechanism in YBa2Cu3O7-delta/YSZ quasi-multilayer -Journal of Applied Physics. - 2008.-V. 104, N 3, P. 033920.
41. Critical scaling of transport properties in the phase diagram of iron pnictide superconductors -Journal of Applied Physics. -2010.-V.107, N 9, P. 09E145.
42. Electronic coupling matrix elements from charge constrained density functional theory calculations -Journal of Chemical Physics. -2010.-V.133, N 24, P. 124302.
43. Lu5Ir4Si10 whiskers: Morphology, crystal structure, superconducting and charge density wave transit -Journal of Crystal Growth. - 2010.-V.312, N 21, P. 3204-3208.
44. Single crystals of novel alkali metal intercalated iron chalcogenide superconductors -Journal of Crystal Growth. -2012.-V.360, P. 155-157.
45. Valence Band Structure and X-ray Spectra of Oxygen-Deficient Ferrites SrFeOx -Journal of Physical Chemistry.C. Nanomaterials and Interfaces. -2010.-V.114, N 11, P. 5154-5159.
46. The absence of charge-density-wave sliding in epitaxial charge-ordered Pr0.48Ca0.52MnO3 films -Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter. -2010.-V.22, N 27, P. 275602.
47. High magnetic field induced charge density waves and sign reversal of the Hall coefficient in graph -Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter. -2010.-V.22, N 43, P. 436004.
48. The influence of temperature and electric field history on the conductivity of the charge density -Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter. -2010.-V.22, N 5, P. 055603.
49. Vortex phase diagram of the layered superconductor -Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter. -2010.-V.22, N 50, P. 505704.
50. Polar domains and charge-density waves in the acentric cerium(III) iron(II) sulfide -Journal of Solid State Chemistry. -2008.-V.181, N 11, P. 3131-3136.
51. Kresin Vladimir Z. Inomogeneous superconductivity and the pseudogap state of novel superconductors / Kresin Vladimir Z., Ovchinnikov Yurii N., Wolf Stuart A. - Amsterdam etc.: Elsevier, 2006. -Physics rep.-V. 431, N 5.
52. M2S-HTSC. 8, pt 1. 8th. Dresden, Germany, July 9-14, 2006 / ed.: Buechner Bernd , Fink Joerg. -Phycica. C, Superconductivity and its applications, 2007.-V.460-462, pt 1, spec. iss.
53. M2S-HTSC. 8, pt 2 : То же / ed.: Buechner Bernd, Fink Joerg. Phycica. C, Superconductivity and its applications. - 2007.-V. 460-462, pt 2, spec. iss. P. 719-1496
54. Perspectives on flux pinning in the MBCO coated conductor / ed.: Maroni Victor A. , Obradors Xavier. -Phycica. C, Superconductivity and its applications. -2009.-V.469, P. 2015-2082, iss. 23-24.
55. Phase diagram of high-T-c superconductor: Cu-NMR studies on multi-layered cuprates. -Physica B. Condensed Matter. - 2008.-V.403, N 5, M, P. 1059-1061.
56. Phase diagram and critical fields of organic quasi-1d superconductors in an applied magnetic field -Physica B. Condensed Matter. - 2009.-V.404, N 19, P. 3131-3133.
57. Vortex pinning: A probe for nanoscale disorder in iron-based superconductors -Physica B. Condensed Matter. - 2012.-V.407, N 11, P. 1796-1798, 1746-1749.
58. Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8 crystal with a region of periodic blind antidots - transition between bulk and interfa -Physica C. Superconductivity and its Applications. - 2010, V.470, N 19, P. 963-966.
59. Anyon bosonization of 2D fermions and single boson phase diagram implied from experiment on visualiz -Physica C. Superconductivity and its Applications. - 2011.-V.471, N 15, P. 486-491.
60. Vortex pinning in bulk-processed Y-Ba-Cu-O with ZrO2 nano-particles: Optimum pinning center size -Physica C. Superconductivity and its Applications. - 2011.-V.471, N 3, P. 97-103.
61. Resistivity scaling 1111 iron-pnictide superconductors -Physica C. Superconductivity and its Applications. - 2011.-V. 471, N 17, P. 509-514.
62. Doping dependent tunneling conductance in SDW ordered copper -Physica C. Superconductivity and its Applications. - 2011. -V. 471, N 13, P. 400-405.
63. Critical current behaviour of YBCO thin films described by vortex pinning on low-angle domain bounda -Physica C. Superconductivity and its Applications. - 2012. -V. 479, P. 151-153.
64. Title: Low-temperature specific heat of the beta-pyrochlore oxide superconductors under high pressur -Physica E. Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures. - 2011.-V. 43, N 3, P. 726-729.
65. Changes in the valence band structure of as-grown InN(0001)-2 x 2 surfaces upon exposure to oxygen -Physica Status Solidi.A. Applications and Materials Science. - 2010. -V. 207, N 5, P. 1037-1040.
66. Charge density wave in Sr14-xCaxCu24O41 -Physica Status Solidi.B. Basic Solid State Physics. - 2010.-V. 247, N 3, P. 668-670.
67. Evolution of the Dynamical Pairing across the Phase Diagram of a Strongly Correlated High-Temperatur -Physical Review Letters. - 2009. - V. 103, N 13, P. 136402.
68. Quasiparticle Scattering Induced by Charge Doping of Iron-Pnictide Superconductors Probed by Collect -Physical Review Letters. - 2010. -V. 105, N 26, P. 267002.
69. Model of Vortex States in Hole-Doped Iron-Pnictide Superconductors -Physical Review Letters. 2011. -V. 106, N 2, P. 027002.
70. Electronic Dispersion Anomalies in Iron Pnictide Superconductors -Physical Review Letters. 2011. -V. 106, N 4, P. 047003.
71. Local Measurement of the Superfluid Density in the Pnictide Superconductor Ba(Fe1-xCox)(2)As-2 acro -Physical Review Letters. - 2011. -V. 106, N 6, P. 067001.
72. Tunable phase diagram and vortex pinning in a superconductor-ferromagnet bilayer -Physical Review.B. Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. - 2010. - V. 82, N 6, P. 060503.
73. Direct visualization of magnetic vortex pinning in superconductors -Physical Review.B. Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. - 2009. - V. 79, N 14, P. 144501.
74. Enhanced superconducting vortex pinning with disordered nanomagnetic arrays -Physical Review.B. Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. - 2010. -V. 82, N 1, P. 014509.
75. Interplay of charge-density waves and superconductivity in the organic conductor beta -Physical Review.B. Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. - 2010. - V. 81, N 2, P. 024519.
76. Probing the superconducting ground state near the charge density wave phase transition in Cu0.06TiSe -Physical Review.B. Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. - 2010. -V. 81, N 9, P. 092507.
77. Charge-density wave and superconductor competition in stripe phases of high-temperature superconduct -Physical Review.B. Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. - 2010. -V. 82, N 14, P. 144531.
78. Anisotropic upper critical field and possible Fulde-Ferrel-Larkin-Ovchinnikov state in the stoichio -Physical Review.B. Condensed Matter and Materials Physics.- 2011.-V. 83, N 6, P. 060502.
79. Low-energy kink in the nodal dispersion of copper oxide superconductors: Insights from dynamical -Physical Review.B. Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. - 2010.-V. 82, N 18, P. 184535.
80. Recent advances in MgB2 research / ed. Tajima Setsuko et al. -Physica. C, Superconductivity and its applications. - 2007.-V. 456, iss. 1-2 .
81. Room temperature superconductivity / ed. Janko B. , Crabtree G.W., Kwok W.-K. -Physica. C, Superconductivity and its applications. - 2008.-V. 468, iss. 2, P. 97-135.
82. Homologous series of (Cu,Mo)Sr-2(Y,Ce)(s)Cu2O5+2s+delta copper-oxide superconductors: Synthesis -Solid State Communications. - 2011.-V. 151, N 19, P. 1400-1403.
83. Angular dependence of the magnetic-field driven superconductor-insulator transition in thin films -Solid State Communications. - 2011.-V. 151, N 9, P. 743-746.
84. Theoretical study on the origin of the lattice structure variation of T-c in the iron based superco - Solid State Communications. - 2012.-V. 152, N 8, P. 711-717 ,718-727.
85. First-principles study on iron-pnictide superconductors Ca(Fe1-xCox)(2)As-2. -Solid State Communications (GBR). - 2013. V. 154, P. 11-14.
86. Special issue on correlated. -J. of physics : Condensed matter. 2007.-V. 19, N 12.
87. Spectroscopies in novel superconductors. 2010 : The 9th International conference on spectroscopies in novel superconductors (SNS2010) held May 23-28, 2010 in Shanghai, China. -J.of Physics and Chemistry of Solids. - 2011.-V. 72, iss. 5, spec. iss. P. 307-607.
88. Spin and magnetic field effects in chemistry and related phenomena. -Applied magnetic resonance. - 2010.-V. 38, N 2, spec. iss., P. 137-256.
89. Spin chemistry: coherent spin dynamics rules chemical reactions. -Applied magnetic resonance. 2012.-V. 42, N 1, spec. iss.
90. Spin physics of superconducting heterostructures / guest ed.: Belzig U. , Scheer E., Strunk C. -Applied physics. A, Materials science & processing. - 2007.-V. A 89, N 3, spec. iss. P. 579-812.
91. Stripes and electronic liquid crystals in strongly correlated materials / ed.: Uchida Shin-ichi et al. -Phycica. C, Superconductivity and its applications. -2012.-V. 481, spec. iss.
92. Superconductivity and inhomogeneous condensed systems: proceedings of the XIVth National school on superconductivity , Ostrow Wielkopolski, Oct. 13-17, 2009: dedicated to the memory of professor Jan Stankowski / organizers Inst. of molecular physics, Pol. acad. of sciences. -Acta physica Polonica. A. - 2010.-V. 118, N 2.
93. Superconductivity and the Ginzburg-Lindau model / Guest ed. Rubinstein Jacob , Sternberg Peter J. -J. of math. Physics. - 2005. -V. 46, N 9, spec. iss. on superconductivity and the Ginzburg-Landau model.
94. Superconductivity centennial conference - EUCAS - ISEC - ICMC'2011. -Phycica. C. - 2012. -V. 482, spec. iss.
95. Superconductivity in iron-pnictides / ed.: Chu Paul C.W. et al. -Phycica. C, Superconductivity and its applications. - 2009.-V. 469, iss. 9-12.
96. Superconductivity, spin and charge ordering : proceedings of the XIII National school, Ladek Zdroj, Nov. 6-10, 2007 / ed. of the proc. Rogacki Krzysztof . - Warsaw : Pol. acad. of sciences, Inst. of physics, 2008. -Acta physica Polonica. A. 2008. -V. 114, N 1.
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