Ионные проводники и реакции на их границах

2 - 20 июля 2012 г. - В Центральной библиотеке НЦЧ РАН.

  1. Бокштейн Б.С. Диффузия атомов и ионов в твердых телах / Бокштейн Б.С., Ярославцев А.Б. - М.: МИСИС, 2005. - 362 с.: ил. - (Металлургия и материаловедение XXI века). - Библиогр.: с. 359-362.
  2. Иванов-Шиц А.К. Ионика твердого тела. Т. 1. -СПб.: Изд-во С.-Петерб. ун-та, 2000. - 616 с.: ил. - ISBN 5-288-02745-5
  3. Иванов-Шиц А.К. Ионика твердого тела. Т. 2. -СПб.: Изд-во С.-Петерб. ун-та, 2010. -998, [1] с.: ил. - ISBN 978-5-288-04966-8.
  4. Карамов Ф.А. Суперионные проводники: гетероструктуры и элементы функциональной электроники на их основе / Карамов Ф.А.; Каз. гос. техн. ун-т им. А.Н. Туполева. - М.: Наука, 2002. - 237 с.: ил. - Библиогр.: с. 210. - ISBN 5-02-006447-5.
  5. Литий в термоядерной и космической энергетике XXI века / В.Н.Михайлов, В.А. Евтихин, И.Е. Люблинский, А.В. Вертков, А.Н.Чуманов. -М.: Энергоатомиздат, 1999.-528 с.: ил.
  6. Уваров Николай Фавстович. Композиционные твердые электролиты / Уваров Н.Ф.; Рос. акад. наук, Сиб. отд-ние, Ин-т химии твердого тела и механохимии, Новосиб. гос. ун-т. - Новосибирск: Изд-во Сиб. отд-ния РАН, 2008. - 254, [3] с.: ил. - Библиогр. в конце гл. - ISBN 978-5-7692-1016-7.
  7. Diffusion and ionic conduction in oxides: data compilation / ed.: Fisher D.J. - Switzerland [etc.] : Trans tech publ., cop. 2007. - XIV, 446 c.: ил., табл. - (Defect and diffusion forum, ISSN 1012-0386; vol. 269-271). - Указ.: Auth. ind., Keyword ind.: c. 410-446. - ISBN 978-3-908451-52-5.
  8. Electrocatalysis - theory and experiment at the interface, Univ. of Southampton, UK, 07-09 July 2008. - Cambridge: RSC publ., 2008. - 453 c.: ил., табл. - (Faraday discussions, ISSN 1359-6640; vol. 140). - Библиогр. в конце докл. Указ.: Ind. of contributors: c. 453. - ISBN 978-0-85404-123-7.
  9. Fuel cell catalysis: a surface science approach / ed. by Koper Marc T.M. - Hoboken (N.J.) : Wiley, 2009. - XIII, 697 c., [4] л. ил. : ил., табл. - (Wiley series on electrocatalysis and electrochemistry). - Библиогр. в конце ст. Указ.: с. 695-697. - ISBN 978-0-470-13116-9. I. Lorentz workshop on fuel cell catalysis: a surface science approach (2006; Leiden).
  10. Ionic liquids. 3A : Fundamentals, progress, challenges, and opportunities : properties and structure / 226th Amer. chem. soc., Nat. meet. held Sept. 7-11, 2003 in New York; Rogers Robin D. , Seddon Kenneth R. ed. - 2005. - XVIII, 334 c., [2] л. ил. : ил., табл. - (... 901). - ISBN 0-8412-3893-6.
  11. Kauranen Pertti S. Electrode kinetics and species transport in direct oxidation methanol fuel cells: Dissertation... - Helsinki, 1996. - 55 с.: ил., табл. - (Acta polytechnica Scandinavica. Chem. technology ser., ISSN 1239-0518; Ch 237). - Библиогр.: с. 6, 51-55. - ISBN 951-666-484-9.
  12. Lithium ion rechargeable batteries: materials, technology, and new applications / ed. by Ozawa Kazunori . - Weinheim: Wiley-VCH, cop. 2009. - XIV, 336 c.: ил., табл. - Библиогр. в конце ст. Указ.: с. 329-336. - ISBN 978-3-527-31983-1.
  13. PEM fuel cell electrocatalysts and catalyst layers: fundamentals and applications / Zhang Jiujun ed. - London: Springer, cop. 2008. - XXI, 1137 c.: ил., табл. - Библиогр. в конце ст. Указ.: Auth. ind., Subject ind.: c. 1117-1137. - ISBN 978-1-84800-935-6.
  14. Polyelectrolytes and polyzwitterions: synthesis, properties, and applications / spons. by the ACS Div. of polymer chemistry; Lowe Andrew B. , ed., McCormick Charles L., ed. - Washington : Amer. chem. soc., 2006. - X, 185 c.: ил. - (ACS symposium series, [ISSN 0097-6156]; 937). - Библиогр. в конце докл. Указ.: Auth., Subject ind.: c. 171-185. - ISBN 978-0-8412-3958-6. I. American chemical society (Washington). National meeting (228; Philadelphia, Pa).
  15. Solid state electrochemistry. 1: Fundamentals, materials and their applications. - Weinheim : Wiley-VCH, cop. 2009. - XXI, 506 c.: ил., табл. - ISBN 978-3-527-32318-0.

  1. Малиновский В.К. Нанонеоднородности в стеклах и их роль в явлениях оптической памяти и процессах переноса зарядов. -Автометрия.- 2011.-T. 47, N 2, c. 64.
  2. Ярославцев А.Б., Караванова Ю.А. Ионная проводимость гибридных мембран. -Мембраны и мембранные технологии.-2011.-Т. 1, N 1, с. 3.
  3. Солмаз Р., Кардаш Г. Влияние роданина на коррозию низкоуглеродистой стали в солянокислых растворах. -Физикохимия поверхности и защита материалов (до Т. 44 N 4 Защита металлов).-2005, Т. 41, N 6, с. 628.
  4. EIS'98 proceedings-Impedance spectroscopy / Ed. by Mattos O.R. - Oxford: Pergamon, 1999. - C. 4118-4471, 8: ил., табл. - (Electrochimica Acta, ISSN 0013-4686; Vol. 44, nr 24, spec. iss.). - Библиогр. в конце докл. I. International symposium on electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (4; 1998; Angra dos Reis).
  5. Electrocatalysis : Advances a. industr. applications / Ed. by Trasatti S. , Jaksic M.M. - [Oxford] : Pergamon, 2000. - XI, с. 4075-4388, III: ил., табл. - (Electrochimica Acta, ISSN 0013-4686; Vol. 45, nr 25-26, spec. iss.). - Библиогр. в конце докл.
  6. Special issue on polymers in fuel cells / Guest et.: Elabd Yossef A. - Hoboken (N.J.) : Wiley Interscience, 2006. - C. 2183-2368: ил., табл. - (J. of Polymer Science. Pt B, Polymer Physics, ISSN 0887-6266; Vol. 44, nr 16). - Библиогр. в конце ст.
  7. Solid state ionics: electrochemistry meets materials science / guest ed.: Fleig Juergen , Sitte Werner. - Wien; New York: Springer, 2009. - C. 973-1135, [2]: ил., табл. - (Monatshefte fur Chemie, ISSN 0026-9247; vol. 140, nr 9, spec. iss.). - Библиогр. в конце ст.
  8. Fuel cells: modeling, analysis, and computation. - Philadelphia (PA): Soc. for industr. a. appl. mathematics, 2009. - VII, c. 369-639: ил., табл. - (SIAM journal on applied mathematics, ISSN 0036-1399; vol. 70, nr 2, spec. iss.). - Библиогр. в конце ст.
  9. Exploring chemical and structural complexity of novel ion conductors / EMRS Spring Meeting, June 7-10, 2010, Strasbourg, France; guest ed. Merkle Rotraut [et al.]. - Amsterdam [etc.] : Elsevier, 2011. - VIII, 91 c.: ил., табл. - (Solid state ionics, ISSN 0167-2738; vol. 184, iss. 1, spec. iss.). - Библиогр. в конце докл. I. European Materials Research Society. Spring Meeting (2010; Strasbourg).

  1. Гнеденков С.В., Синебрюхов С.Л. Импедансная спектроскопия в исследовании процессов переноса заряда. -Вестник Дальневосточного отделения РАН.-2006.-N 5, с. 6.

  2. Малышкина И.А. Диэлектрические спектры и эффекты проводимости в сульфированном политетрафторэтилене (NAFION) в ненабухшем состоянии. -Becmник Mocковского Университета. Cepuaя 3.-2006.-N 2, с. 54.

  3. Корешков Д.В. Исследование влияния адсорбиции молекул из газовой фазы на проводимость пленок Ленгмюра-Блоджетт фталоцианина ванадила. -Becmник Mocковского Университета. Cepuaя 3.-2007.-N 2, с. 27.

  4. Симаков В.В. Анодные характеристики твердофазных электрохимических систем металл/полимерный композит. -Известия ВУЗов. Химия и химическая технология.-2006.-Т.49, N 2, с. 72.

  5. Цивадзе А.Ю. Перспективы создания низкотемпературных топливных элементов, не содержащих платину. -Российский химический журнал (Журнал Российского химического общества им.Д.И.Менделеева).-2006.-Т. 50, N 6, с. 109.

  6. Корж Р.В. Протонная проводимость мембран на основе сульфокатионитов MSC-H и Purolite CT -275. -Теоретическая и экспериментальная химия. -2007.-Т. 43, N 1, с. 52.

  7. Кичигин В.И. Электрохимическая импедансная спектроскопия анодных процессов на дисилициде кобальта в растворах серной кислоты. -Физикохимия поверхности и защита материалов (до Т. 44 N 4 Защита металлов). -2011.-Т. 47, N 2, с. 218.

  8. Legin Andrey. Solvent polymeric membranes based on tridodecylmethylammonium chloride studied by potentiometry and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. -Analytica Chimica Acta.-2004.-Vol.514, N 1, p.107.

  9. Sadik O.A., Xu H. Differential Impedance Spectroscopy for Monitoring Protein Immobilization and Antibody Antigen Reactions. -Analytical Chemistry.-2002.-Vol.74, N 13, p.3142.

  10. Park Su-Moon. Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy for Better Electrochemical Measurements. -Analytical Chemistry.-2003.-Vol.75, N 21, p.455A.

  11. Zhou Feng. Probing the Responsive Behavior of Polyelectrolyte Brushes Using Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy. -Analytical Chemistry.-2007.-Vol.79, N 1, p.176.

  12. Lai Chun-Ze. Ion-Selective Electrodes with Three-DimensionallyOrdered Macroporous Carbon as the Solid Contact. -Analytical Chemistry.-2007.-Vol. 79, N 12, p.4621.

  13. Maalouf Rita. Label-Free Detection of Bacteria by Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy: Comparison to Surface Plasmon Resonance. -Analytical Chemistry.-2007.-Vol.79, N 13, p.4879.

  14. Bjorefors Fredrik. Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy for Investigations on Ion Permeation in ö-Functionalized Self-Assembled Monolayers. -Analytical Chemistry.-2007.-Vol.79, N 21, p.8391.

  15. Qiu Yiling. Real-Time Monitoring Primary Cardiomyocyte Adhesion Based on Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy and Electrical Cell Substrate Impedance Sensing. -Analytical Chemistry.-2008.-Vol.80, N 4, p.990.

  16. Rodrıguez Presa M. J. Estimating Diffusion Coefficients of Probe Molecules into Polyelectrolyte Brushes by Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy. -Analytical Chemistry.-2009.-Vol.81, N 19, p.7936.

  17. Gracia Jose. Intercalation ofAlkaliMetal Cations into Layered Organotitanium Oxides. -Angewandte Chemie. Int. Edition.-2003.-Vol.42, N 8, p.927.

  18. Chen Jun. Lithium Intercalation in Open-Ended TiS2 Nano- tubes. -Angewandte Chemie. Int. Edition.-2003.-Vol.42, N 19, p.2147.

  19. Murugan Ramaswamy. Fast Lithium Ion Conduction in Garnet-Type Li7La3Zr2O12. -Angewandte Chemie. Int. Edition.-2007.-Vol.46, N 41, p.7778.

  20. Huang Jingsong. Theoretical Model for Nanoporous Carbon Supercapacitors. -Angewandte Chemie. Int. Edition.-2008.-Vol.47, N 3, p.520.

  21. Ren Yu. Lithium Intercalation into Mesoporous Anatase with an Ordered 3D Pore Structure. -Angewandte Chemie. Int. Edition.-2010.-Vol.49, N 14, p.2570.

  22. Sun Shuhui. A Highly Durable Platinum Nanocatalyst for Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells: Multiarmed Starlike Nanowire Single Crystal. -Angewandte Chemie. Int. Edition-2011.-Vol.50, N 2, p.422.

  23. Ge Junjie. A Nanosheet-Structured Three-Dimensional Macroporous Material with High Ionic Conductivity Synthesized Using Glucose as a Transforming Template. -Angewandte Chemie. Int. Edition-2012.-Vol.51, N 25, p.6205.

  24. Corti Christopher W. Commercial aspects of gold catalysis -Applied Catalysis A: General.-2005.-Vol.291, p.253.

  25. Balducci A. The use of ionic liquids as solvent-free green electrolytes for hybrid supercapacitors. -Applied Physics A. Materials Science & Processing.-2006.-Vol.82, N 4, p.627.

  26. Lee Minhwan. Electrochemical nanopatterning of Ag on solid-state ionic conductor RbAg4I5 using atomic force microscopy. -Applied Physics Letters.-2004.-Vol.85, N 16, p.3552.

  27. Ma Liping. Solid-state supercapacitors for electronic device applications. -Applied Physics Letters.-2005.-Vol.87, N 12, p.123503.

  28. Shaijumon M.M. Platinum/multiwalled carbon nanotubes-platinum/carbon composites as electrocatalysts for oxygen reduction reaction in proton exchange membrane fuel cell. -Applied Physics Letters.-2006.-Vol.88, N 25, p.253105.

  29. Ahn Young Rack. Enhanced charge-discharge characteristics of RuO2 supercapacitors on heat-treated TiO2 nanorods -Applied Physics Letters.-2007.-Vol.90, N 12, p.122106.

  30. Kaempgen M. Bifunctional carbon nanotube networks for supercapacitors. -Applied Physics Letters.-2007.-Vol.90, N 26, p.264104.

  31. Zhong Hexiang. Proton exchange membrane fuel cells with chromium nitride nanocrystals as electrocatalysts. -Applied Physics Letters.-2007.-Vol.91, N 16, p.163103.

  32. Jain Vaibhav. Millisecond switching in solid state electrochromic polymer devices fabricated from ionic self-assembled multilayers. -Applied Physics Letters.-2008.-Vol.92, N 3, p.033304.

  33. Ono S. High-mobility, low-power, and fast-switching organic field-effect transistors with ionic liquids. -Applied Physics Letters.-2008.-Vol.92, N 10, p.103313.

  34. Chung U-C., Elissalde C. Controlling internal barrier in low loss BaTiO3 supercapacitors. -Applied Physics Letters.-2009.-Vol.94, N 7, p.072903.

  35. Leora Cooper. Freestanding, bendable thin film for supercapacitors using DNA-dispersed double walled carbon nanotubes. -Applied Physics Letters.-2009.-Vol.95, N 23, p.233104.

  36. McDonough James R. Carbon nanofiber supercapacitors with large areal capacitances. -Applied Physics Letters.-2009.-Vol.95, N 24, p.243109.

  37. Hsu Keng. Controlled directional growth of silver microwires on a solid electrolyte surface. -Applied Physics Letters.-2010.-Vol.96, N 2, p.024101.

  38. Han Wei-Qiang, Wang Xiao-Liang. Carbon-coated Magnéli-phase TinO2n−1 nanobelts as anodes for Li-ionbatteries and hybrid electrochemical cells. -Applied Physics Letters.-2010.-Vol.97, N 24, p.243104.

  39. Snyder Stuart C. The Detection of Palladium Particles in Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel-Cell Water by Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS). -Applied Spectroscopy.-2011.-Vol.65, N 6, p.642.

  40. Li Jingye. Surface analysis of the proton exchange membranes prepared by pre-irradiation induced grafting of styrene/divinylbenzene into crosslinked thin PTFE membranes. -Applied Surface Science.-2005.-Vol.245, p.260.

  41. Parthasarathy Meera. ‘All-solid-state’ electrochemistry of a protein-confined polymer electrolyte film. -Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications.-2007.-Vol.364, N 1, p.86.

  42. Sundmacher K. Solid electrolyte membrane reactors: Status and trends. -Catalysis Today.-2005.-Vol.104, p.185.

  43. Asayama Ryou. Phase transition and ionic transport mechanism of (C4H9)4NI. -Chemical Physics Letters.-2005.-Vol.414, N 1-3, p.87.

  44. Kubo Wataru. Quasi-Solid-State Dye-Sensitized Solar Cell with Ionic Polymer Electrolyte. -Chemistry Letters.-2002.-N 9, p.948.

  45. Corbel G. Effects of Partial Substitution of Mo6 by Cr6 and W6 on the Crystal Structure of the Fast Oxide-Ion Conductor Structural Effects of W6. -Chemistry of Materials.-2005.-Vol.17, N 18, p.4678.

  46. Pham Quoc Nghi. Synthesis and Characterization of Nanostructured Fast Ionic Conductor Li0.30La0.56TiO3. -Chemistry of Materials.-2006.-Vol.18, N 18, p.4385.

  47. Shimano Satoshi. Preparation of Nanohybrid Solid-State Electrolytes with Liquidlike Mobilities by Solidifying Ionic Liquids with Silica Particles. -Chemistry of Materials.-2007.-Vol.19, N 22, p.5216.

  48. Zhao Yong. High-Performance All-Solid-State Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells Utilizing Imidazolium-Type Ionic Crystal as Charge Transfer Layer. -Chemistry of Materials.-2008.-Vol.20, N 19, p.6022.

  49. Levi L. New Insight on the Unusually High Ionic Mobility in Chevrel Phases. -Chemistry of Materials.-2009.-Vol.21, N 7, p.1390.

  50. Yougui Chen. Non-Pt Anode Catalysts for Alkaline Direct Alcohol Fuel Cells . -Chinese Journal of Catalysis.-2007.-Vol.28, N 10, p.870.

  51. Yan-Fang Zhou. Efect of Poly(Ether Urethane) Introduction on the Performance of Polymer Electrolyte for All-Solid-State Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells. -Chinese Physics Letters.-2009.-Vol.26, N 12, p.128201.

  52. Weiying Li. Quasi-solid-state nanocrystalline TiO2 solar cells using gel network polymer electrolytes based on polysiloxanes. -Chinese Science Bulletin.-2003.-Vol.48, N 7, p.646.

  53. Liu Hao. Composite Electrode for Unitized Regenerative Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell with Improved Cycle Life. -Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters.-2004.-Vol.7, N 3, p.A56.

  54. Sirk Aislinn H.C. Oxygen Reduction by Sol Derived †Co, N, C, O‡-Based Catalysts for Use in Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells. -Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters.-2005.-Vol.8, N 2, p.A104.

  55. Baturina Olga A. Characterization of Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells with Catalyst Layers Obtained by Electrospraying. -Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters.-2005.-Vol.8, N 6, p.A267.

  56. Bhusari Dhananjay. Development of P-Doped SiO2 as Proton Exchange Membrane for Microfuel Cells. -Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters.-2005.-Vol.8, N 11, p.A588.

  57. Sutto Thomas E. Laser Transferable Polymer-Ionic Liquid Separator/Electrolytes for Solid-State Rechargeable Lithium-Ion Microbatteries. -Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters.-2006.-Vol.9, N 2, p.A69.

  58. Zaffou Rachid. Temperature-Driven Water Transport Through Membrane Electrode Assembly of Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells. -Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters.-2006.-Vol.9, N 9, p.A418.

  59. Kannan Arunachala M. Nanostructured Gas Diffusion and Catalyst Layers for Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells. -Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters.-2007.-Vol.10, N 3, p.B47.

  60. Ferreiraa P. J. Formation Mechanism of Pt Single-Crystal Nanoparticles in Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells. -Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters.-2007.-Vol.10, N 3, p.B60.

  61. Lee S.-Y. Gradient Catalyst Coating for a Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell Operation under Nonhumidified Conditions. -Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters.-2007.-Vol.10, N 10, p.B166.

  62. Sano Mitsuru. Improved LiMn2O4/Graphite Li-Ion Cells at 55°C. -Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters.-2007.-Vol.10, N 12, p.A270.

  63. Nguyen T.V. Measurement of Capillary Pressure Property of Gas Diffusion Media Used in Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells. -Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters.-2008.-Vol.11, N 8, p.B127.

  64. Vidal-Abarca C. Cobalt Oxide Nanoparticles Prepared from Reverse Micelles as High-Capacity Electrode Materials for Li-Ion Cells. -Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters.-2008.-Vol.11, N 11, p.A198.

  65. Heo Pilwon. Nanostructured Pt–Sn1−xInxP2O7 Cathodes for High-Temperature Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells. -Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters.-2009.-Vol.12, N 1, p.B1.

  66. Lee Sang-Kun. In Situ Measurement of Temperature Distribution across a Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell. -Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters.-2009.-Vol.12, N 9, p.B126.

  67. Liu Yuxiu. Measurement of Platinum Oxide Coverage in a Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell. -Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters.-2010.-Vol.13, N 1, p.B1.

  68. Balasubramanian Sivagaminathan. Electrochemical Removal of Carbon Monoxide in Reformate Hydrogen for Fueling Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells. -Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters.-2010.-Vol.13, N 2, p.B5.

  69. Jin Yongcheng. High Temperature, Low Humidity Proton Exchange Membrane Based on an Inorganic–Organic Hybrid Structure. -Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters.-2010.-Vol.13, N 2, p.B8.

  70. Blanco Mauricio. Perforated Metal Sheets as Gas Diffusion Layers for Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells. -Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters.-2012.-Vol.15, N 3, p.B20.

  71. Sun Xiaoguang . ‘‘Acid-in-chain’’ versus ‘‘base-in-chain’’ anionic polymer electrolytes for electrochemical devices. -Electrochimica Acta.-2001.-Vol.46, p.1467.

  72. Li Jia. Study of the storage performance of a Li-ion cell at elevated temperature. -Electrochimica Acta.-2010.-Vol.55, N 3, p.927.

  73. Wang Lishi. Enhancement of electrochemical properties of hot-pressed poly(ethylene oxide)-based nanocomposite polymer electrolyte films for all-solid-state lithium polymer batteries. -Electrochimica Acta.-2010.-Vol.55, N 6, p.1895.

  74. Ma Yuanwei. Cobalt based non-precious electrocatalysts for oxygen reduction reaction inproton exchange membrane fuel cells. -Electrochimica Acta.-2010.-Vol.55, N 27, p.7945.

  75. Fang Bin. Nano-engineered PtVFe catalysts in proton exchange membrane fuel cells:Electrocatalytic performance. -Electrochimica Acta.-2010.-Vol.55, N 27, p.8230.

  76. Lin J.F. Development of gas diffusion layer using water based carbon slurry for protonexchange membrane fuel cells -Electrochimica Acta.-2011.-Vol.56, N 3, p.1591.

  77. Cheng Niancai. Enhanced life of proton exchange membrane fuel cell catalysts usingperfluorosulfonic acid stabilized carbon support. -Electrochimica Acta.-2011.-Vol.56, N 5, p.2591.

  78. Tang Ziying. Preparation of PAA-g-CTAB/PANI polymer based gel-electrolyte and the application in quasi-solid-state dye-sensitized solar cells. -Electrochimica Acta.-2011.-Vol.58, N 1, p.52.

  79. Khajeh-Hosseini-Dalasm N. A study of the agglomerate catalyst layer for the cathode side of a protoexchange membrane fuel cell: Modeling and optimization. -Electrochimica Acta.-2012.-Vol.60, N 1, p.55.

  80. Mu Shichun. Optimization of perfluorosulfonic acid ionomer loadings in catalyst layers ofproton exchange membrane fuel cells. -Electrochimica Acta.-2012.-Vol.60, N 1, p.437.

  81. Lamy Claude. Clean hydrogen generation through the electrocatalytic oxidation of formic acid in a Proton Exchange Membrane Electrolysis Cell (PEMEC). -Electrochimica Acta.-2012.-Vol.60, N 1, p.112.

  82. Liu Hong. Electricity Generation Using an Air-Cathode Single Chamber Microbial Fuel Cell in the Presence and Absence of a Proton Exchange Membrane. -Environmental Science Technology.-2004.-Vol.38, N 14, p.4040.

  83. Shimizu Youichi. Solid-State SO2 Sensor Using a Sodium-Ionic Conductor and a Metal–Sulfide Electrode. -International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology.-2006.-Vol.3, N 3, p.193.

  84. Fu Yu. Carbon-based films coated 316L stainless steel as bipolar plate for proton exchange membrane fuel cells -International Journal of Hydrogen Energy.-2009.-Vol.34, N 1, p.405.

  85. Luo Hao. Ionic liquid-assisted synthesis of transition metal oxalates via one-step solid-state reaction. -Journal of Alloys and Compounds (until 1991: J. of the Less-Common Metals).-2009.-Vol.481, p.L12

  86. Michel Carlos R. Carbon dioxide gas sensing behavior of nanostructured GdCoO3 prepared by a solution-polymerization method. -Journal of Alloys and Compounds (until 1991: J. of the Less-Common Metals).-2009.-Vol.484, p.605

  87. Nazarpour Soroush. Phase transformation studies on YSZ doped with alumina. Part 2: Yttria segregation. -Journal of Alloys and Compounds (until 1991: J. of the Less-Common Metals).-2010.-Vol.505, p.534

  88. Kubo Wataru. Photocurrent-Determining Processes in Quasi-Solid-State Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells Using Ionic Gel Electrolytes. -Journal of Physical Chemistry.B. Materials, Surfaces, Interfaces and Biophysical.-2003.-Vol.107, N 18, p.4374.

  89. Kunsagi-Mate Sandor. Conformational Change of the Cation Anion Pair of an Ionic Liquid Related to Its Low-Temperature Solid-State Phase Transitions. -Journal of Physical Chemistry.B. Materials, Surfaces, Interfaces and Biophysical.-2004.-Vol.108, N 26, p.9246.

  90. Rhodes Christopher P. Nanoscale Polymer Electrolytes: Ultrathin Electrodeposited Poly(Phenylene Oxide) with Solid-State Ionic Conductivity. -Journal of Physical Chemistry.B. Materials, Surfaces, Interfaces and Biophysical.-2004.-Vol.108, N 35, p.13087.

  91. Narayanan S.R. Anhydrous Proton-Conducting Polymeric Electrolytes for Fuel Cells. -Journal of Physical Chemistry.B. Materials, Surfaces, Interfaces and Biophysical.-2006.-Vol.110, N 9, p.3942.

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  10. Research Projects: Ceramics
  11. Ceramic Materials for Solid Oxide Fuel Cells
  12. Synthesis and Characterization of CeO2- and LaNbO4-based Ionic Conductors
  13. Composite electrolyte material having high ionic conductivity and depleted electronic conductivity and method for producing same
  14. Synthesis of biodiesel using alkali ion conductive ceramic membranes
  15. Synthesis of cathode active materials
  16. Conductivities and thermal studies of polymeric electrolytes based on poly(epichlorohydrin)/sodium salts.
  17. Nano-Composite Polymer Electroltes (NCPEs): Synthesis, Characterization and Device Prospects
  18. Design and synthesis of guest-host nanostructures to enhance ionic conductivity across nanocomposite membranes
  19. Synthesis and characterization of polymeric ionic liquid poly(imidazolium chloride-1,3-diylbutane-1,4-diyl)
  20. Materials for Proton Exchange Membranes and Membrane Electrode Assemblies for PEM Fuel Cells
  21. Proton Exchange Membrane
  22. Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell
  23. Novel Polymers Synthesized for High-Temperature Use in Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells
  24. Pollet PEMFC Research Group Website
  25. Solid state electrochemical device
  26. Composite polymer electrolytes for alkali metal electrochemical devices which contain a non-woven glass fiber net
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  28. NREL: Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Research Home Page
  29. Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Research & Development
  30. Direct Ethanol Fuel Cell
  31. Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells
  32. PEMFC low-temperature fuel cells
  33. Workshop on Research Challenges for Low-temperature Fuel Cells NSF Headquarters, Arlington, VA June 20-21, 2005 FINAL REPORT
  34. Researchers discover less expensive low-temperature catalyst for hydrogen purification
  35. Supercapacitors
  36. Manthiram Laboratory
  37. Lithium Battery Research
  38. Advanced Battery Research, Development, and Testing. Argonne's Research